Monday, May 6, 2013

Day 2 of Westward Ho

Today was a visit to the Agricultural Farm that is full of historic buildings and relics of farm and country living from the past 150 years.  Some truly amazing treasures.  Here are a few photos.
 This is inside the little church that had been moved to the property.  Note the left and right arches above the pulpit.  Definitely reminders of good and evil!

 This is looking at the church from the pulpit.  As you can see, Mitzi is paying attention.  John? Not so much. :-)

 This is one of the more "upscale" properties.  Hard living in those days.

 They have a gorgeous rose garden that is maintained by the volunteers.  Only one of many thousand blossoms.  And the hollyhocks were in full glory all over the place!

Retribution before going to New Orleans tomorrow!!


  1. Great flower pictures! Nothing like good old history to remind us how much we love air conditioning :-)
