Wednesday, May 15, 2013

Santa Fe Day 1

May 15  Our first day in Santa Fe.  We are staying at the La Fonda Hotel.  Nice place!  Right on the Plaza.  Gave us a big suite on the top/5th floor.  Cheap.  They are doing a major re-model.  Scaffolding outside.  But inside its great, as long as you can ignore the impact drills.  ;-)
Ate breakfast at Cafe Pasqual's.  Wonderful food.  Then headed to Marilyn's long anticipated highlight, The Georgia O'Keeffe Museum.  CLOSED!!  Setting up for a new show.  But turns out we can see it Friday AM before we head to Abiquiu, an hour away.  Whew!  The rest of the day we checked out the city and went to the Museum of Indian Arts & Culture.  Fantastic stuff.  JoK

Well .... the Museum of Indian Arts & Culture is not to be missed from my point of view.  They have wonderful videos with the artists represented and their memories of how they learned things or the reasoning of choices makes it that much more real.  It was interesting to me how many of the symbols were similar to those of the Eskimos.  This town merits more than a couple of days!!!  We also went to the Market on the Plaza where the certified Indian work is sold.  The makers were there to tell you all about the product, the symbolism and the history of their families.  It's a lottery system that they have to qualify for EACH day!  They might drive all the way into town, prepared to sell their goods, and find that someone else was chosen in the lottery for a spot and ... oh well.  Better luck next time.  The greatest bonus on this is that a representative checks each vendor, each day, to certify that they and their wares have met the criteria for authenticity.  Can't ask for more than that.  Gotta go.  Planning on dinner at Rooftop Pizza, assuming we can get in.  If not? There are plenty of choices!  Marilyn


  1. I hope you got some items from the market! How was the pizza?

    1. I wish I had gotten more items from the market. Astonishing artists and such generous, nice people. We bought a piece of black on black pottery from a woman named Vanessa. She explained her heritage, the process, her home on the reservation, all kinds of stuff. John got a picture of her as well. Will have to work it into the blog later. So much to report!!! Mom
