Sunday, May 26, 2013

The big trick to maintaining  a blog is finding an internet connection in the Southwest!  Well ... that's not exactly fair.  An internet connection in the middle of hiking and camping and National Parks and side roads for interesting places to camp or stay. We just spent the night in Las Vegas and the first order of business is finding a laundromat.  Dust and more dust everywhere we've been.  

This is Bright Angel Trail at Grand Canyon National Park.  We're at the top, with intent of going to at least the first point of 1.5 miles where there is water to fill up canteens and a restroom.  That was amazing to me! 

Ok.  Now there's the rim WAY UP THERE so that means we've made it this far hiking down into the canyon.  If you look for the tiny dots on the trail about a third from the bottom, that's the hikes coming where we've already been.  Which means ... we have to go back up that eventually.  

Now we're at our intended level.  From this point, the trail continues to descend to the bottom of the canyon floor.  My vote was, "I'm good.  Going back up takes twice as long and I want to get back to the room sometime today!"  John decided that he wanted to see what was around the next bend.  So  .... this shot was taken after he was gone about 10 minutes.  Did I say going down is fast? You can see him in the middle of the picture, at the end of the v-shaped ledge.  He's waving goodbye as he's decided that hiking farther is  something he wants to do.  I start for the top and practice the Zen art of placing one foot in front of the other.  Let's just say, it was lots of practice!!!  But I was so happy that I did it! Whole different perspective on the Canyon. 

This is a switchback.  As in ... I think I would fall off the mountain if they didn't carve this into the trail! 

This scene is repeated many times as John packs up the car again.  It's working out really well and we've found a place for everything.  Hmmm.  Well ... I think it's working out pretty well.  Guess you would have to ask John if that's true but I've decided that if he's smiling ..... all is well. :-)

This is Hoover Dam. Amazing structure!  For perspective, those are cars and people on the top.  Just too vast to even try to explain, but it was a fascinating tour.  Well worth the stop if you are ever out here.  

Believe it or not, this is inside the Venetian Hotel in their Grand Canal Shops.  It's crazy! There's a canal inside the shopping area, with gondolas, singing gondoliers, bridges and ceilings painted like this.  Certainly gives you a sense of being in Venice!  We also watched the rich and famous on their shopping sprees at The Wynn and Encore hotels.  It was pretty fun.  They were actually carrying bags (with things in them!) from Cartier, Hermes, and the like.  Truly "the beautiful people".  We enjoyed sitting outside sharing a fat, chocolate dessert and coffee.  Enough for me! 

Gotta cut this off.  As they say, "dessert first, laundry later".  We are now to "later".  Going in search of a laundromat and sneak in all our dusty hiking clothes.  We have enjoyed a night of true luxury with two bathrooms, jacuzzi, sitting area and space that we were too tired to use.  Time to pack and head out to Bryce Canyon. We're halfway through our trip already.  Time flies when you're having fun! Enjoy your day.  Marilyn


  1. The most memorable thing I remember about the Hoover dam was that it was 116 degrees when we got out of the car. We lasted about 5 minutes.

    1. Funny. That's what your Dad remembered too!!! Apparently it's much different now. They have a very large building with exhibits and a parking garage where you wait for your tour to start. The most interesting thing to me was huge vision that was required to implement such a project. Almost beyond comprehension. Marilyn

  2. What I remember most were the unearthly sounds....zzzt, zzzzt, zzzzt. And then the dark desert going on for miles before we got there. All the vegetation had been either drought stricken or burned. Give me Zion Nat. Park and its cool streams any day.
    Also, my left brained, science side must have been numbed. BUT, glad you liked it.... :)

    1. So interesting the things people remember. I really loved Zion too. Something magical about it. Marilyn

  3. Hiking back up that trail must have been quite the workout!

    1. Understatement of the year. :-) Mom
