Wednesday, May 15, 2013

Entering Santa Fe

May 14th  Turns out that the Oliver Lee State Park is right on the northern edge of the Chihauhuan Desert, about the largest desert in the America's.  But I must admit I was a little disappointed.  We drove through it for quite a while, and stayed the night, and in all that time we didn't see a single one.  Not one!  I expected herds of those little dogs everywhere.  It's a mystery.  Think they migrate south for the summer?  JoK


  1. Herds of chihuahuas- now there's a nightmarish image.

    1. Dadgum it! I wish I had realized this feature about comments when we started this blog! So much fun to play back and forth. Anyway, I get it now. Just goes to show that there's always more to discover! Mom
